Christmas in Sheffield
Hello everyone, welcome to Sheffield during Christmas!
With the big Christmas tree set up in the city centre, this city has been surrounded by Christmas atmosphere since early December.

Every time this year, supermarkets are offering Christmas-only snacks or regular food of limited edition — — in red packages for sure.
If you want to try some home made Christmas drinks, mulled wine will be a good choice. It doesn’t need expensive materials like a bottle of luxury wine, and even spice packets needed in the recipe can be found in supermarkets.
Mulled wine is suitable for people who cannot drink much and like a sweet, fruity taste. Most importantly, just put it in a mug and it comes out beautifully in the photo.

Though the weather is cold and sometimes windy, Christmas market is still welcomed by all of us in Sheffield. It’s not that big and crowded as in large cities, but wandering around the market is also an excellent experience.
Imagine having a cup of chocolate in one hand and a Yorkshire pudding wrap in the other, eating and browsing the stalls selling fragrance and accessories, occasionally having a word or two with the friend next to you. What a memorable moment!

Also, there are many Christmas shops in Sheffield, selling all kinds of Christmas-related products, including bells and garlands for decoration, Christmas hats to wear on head and stockings waiting for gifts. Lovely postcards and greeting cards are also best sellers in these shops. Maybe your friends are just looking forward to your words!

If you have some time to spare, and are not willing to waste it in bed, I strongly recommend you to have a look at Sheffield Botanical Gardens. There are real pine trees and other various kinds of plants, which can be seen in a completely different light after the snow.
It’s a little bit far from the city centre, but I still walked there, to enjoy another street scape. Last but not least, please remember to wear comfortable shoes and warm clothes, since it can be much colder after a snowfall, and the ground may be icy.

How is your Christmas this year?
Do you want to come to enjoy a different Christmas in Sheffield?
I’m looking forward to meet you at Christmas next year!
Shuyu Wang is a student on the MA Education course at The University of Sheffield.