New ESRC Funded project: Humanising Healthcare
Humanising Healthcare is an ESRC funded co-produced research project dedicated to finding and sharing healthcare practices that enhance the lives of people with learning disabilities (including people with learning disabilities who are also autistic people).
The research project runs from the 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2025 and the team brings together university researchers, clinical researchers and advocacy-based researchers. The project is led by the PI Professor Dan Goodley working in collaboration with CoIs Professors Katherine Runswick-Cole and Rebecca Lawthom (University of Sheffield), Rohit Shankar (University of Plymouth) and Charlotte Lawthom (Aneurin Bevan Health Board).
Key to the project is the input and leadership of advocacy based researchers from Barod, Speakup Self-advocacy, Sunderland People First and Sheffield Voices. The project is recruiting two research associates (one in Sheffield, another in Plymouth) and more details can be found here. More details can be found on the project website.